Tech Culture

Tech Culture

There's a technology revolution everywhere and it's manifesting in more ways than we can imagine.

research cornell university

Study shows that people would rather talk to a human than an AI

Using generative AI to create messages can make them feel inauthentic
A hot potato: Companies, startups, and everyday individuals around the world are embracing generative AI at an increasingly rapid pace. Going forward, a lot of what you read will likely have been created by a machine, but is that a good thing? According to a new study, many people don't like it if they believe they're being fed generated text as they find the practice insincere and inauthentic.
influencers white house biden axios

Social media influencers could get their own White House briefing room as Biden looks to younger voters

Ahead of next year's election
WTF?! Just how much influence do influencers really have? The Biden administration certainly doesn't underestimate the hold these social media stars have on young people. According to a new report, they may be given their own briefing room at the White House as part of a strategy to reach younger demographics ahead of next year's election.
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