Tech Culture

Tech Culture

There's a technology revolution everywhere and it's manifesting in more ways than we can imagine.

smuggler cpus chinese china smuggling crime cpu intel

Smuggler tries to sneak 239 CPUs past Chinese customs by strapping them to his body

When will people learn?
Facepalm: One might imagine that with so many individuals caught smuggling hardware into China, people would decide it just wasn't worth the risk. But no. Not only has another person tried to avoid paying import taxes, but they also broke the record for the number of China-bound processors strapped to their body: an uncomfortable 239 CPUs, worth around $50,000.
weapons tiktok

Ammo manufacturer can't make extra artillery shells because TikTok data center is using all the electricity

"We are concerned because we see our future growth is challenged by the storage of cat videos"
WTF?! TikTok often makes headlines over claims that its user data is shared with the Chinese government, but it seems the company is also having an unintended (or possibly intended) impact on one of Europe's largest ammunition manufacturers.
scientists mother nature paint color

Scientists accidentally create the world's lightest paint by mimicking Mother Nature

A drop the size of a raisin could paint both sides of the door to your house
Yeah! Science! Traditional paint is made from a bonding agent, such as oil, and pigments from heavy metals like cobalt, ochre, and cadmium, which make blue, red, and yellow, respectively. We use paint to color the artificial world, but in nature, creatures such as butterflies and beetles display vibrant palettes without pigment - they use topography.
putin elon musk ww3 ai vladimir putin

Kremlin officials told to get rid of their iPhones, or give them to "the kids"

The Kremlin doesn't trust iPhones
What just happened? The Kremlin has told staff involved in President Vladimir Putin's 2024 re-election campaign to get rid of their iPhones before the end of this month over fears that western intelligence agencies could be using them for surveillance purposes. Those who would rather not throw their expensive handset away have been advised to "give it to the kids."
man arrested making minecraft death threat sheriff crime 4chan with video

4Chan user arrested for posting "in Minecraft" death threat

"A 4chan troll has to come out of his room," wrote the sheriff who was targeted
Facepalm: Just because you present something as a hypothetical scenario in a video game, it doesn't mean you won't be held accountable. A 38-year-old 4Chan user found this out the hard way after posting a death threat that targeted a Florida sheriff but used the words "in Minecraft" at the end. He was later arrested and is being extradited to face felony charges.
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